[2.8] Pb filtrage dans le Dashboard

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Messages : 6
Enregistré le : ven. 3 mai 2013 19:42
Localisation : Metz (57)

L'écran dashbord.php comporte plusieurs problèmes :

1) le combo de filtrage sur le technicien n'affiche pas le nom mais uniquement le prénom.
J'ai trouvé la solution dans le forum "contribution". Il serait toutefois judicieux de prévoir
dans la prochaine version une présentation de type 1ere lettre du prénom + nom, comme vous l'avez
fait ailleurs.

2) les combo de filtrage engendrent des doublons.
dashboard.jpg (60.54 Kio) Vu 7448 fois
Après analyse du code la création n'est pas correcte. Il faudrait ajouter des petits If..Else !
Voici un exemple :
// PhV : Utilisation If..Else pour eviter doublon dans la liste
if ($_POST['category']==$row['id']) {
echo "<option selected value=\"$row[id]\">$row[name]</option>";
} else {
echo "<option value=\"$row[id]\">$row[name]</option>";
Ainsi le Tag <option> avec la même valeur n'est pas créé deux fois.
Cet exemple est valable pour tous les combo de la ligne de filtrage.

3) les points 1 et 2 montrent un problème de gestion des variables "techid" et "technician"
qui empêchent le bon fonctionnement du filtre. Ci dessous le code de dashboard.php dans lequel
j'ai fait des modifications qui sont repérables avec une recherche sur le mot "PhV"

Code : Tout sélectionner

Author: Flox
File Name: dashboard.php
Call: index_auth.php
Description: Display list of tasks
Version: 2.8
Creation date: 17/07/2009
last update: 18/04/2013

//initialize variables 
if(!isset($asc)) $asc = ''; 
if(!isset($img)) $img= ''; 
if(!isset($date)) $date= '';  
if(!isset($from)) $from=''; 
if(!isset($filter)) $filter=''; 
if(!isset($col)) $col=''; 
if(!isset($view)) $view=''; 
if(!isset($nkeyword)) $nkeyword=''; 
if(!isset($rowlastname)) $rowlastname=''; 
if(!isset($resultcriticality['color'])) $resultcriticality['color']= ''; 

if(!isset($_GET['technician'])) $_GET['technician']= '%'; 
if(!isset($_GET['category'])) $_GET['category']= ''; 
if(!isset($_GET['subcat'])) $_GET['subcat']= ''; 
if(!isset($_GET['cursor'])) $_GET['cursor']= ''; 
if(!isset($_GET['searchengine'])) $_GET['searchengine'] = ''; 
if(!isset($_GET['date_create'])) $_GET['date_create'] = ''; 
if(!isset($_GET['userid'])) $_GET['userid'] = ''; 
if(!isset($_GET['date'])) $_GET['date'] = ''; 
if(!isset($_GET['state'])) $_GET['state'] = ''; 
if(!isset($_GET['priority'])) $_GET['priority'] = ''; 
if(!isset($_GET['title'])) $_GET['title'] = ''; 
if(!isset($_GET['criticality'])) $_GET['criticality'] = ''; 
if(!isset($_GET['way'])) $_GET['way'] = ''; 
if(!isset($_GET['order'])) $_GET['order'] = ''; 

if(!isset($_POST['date'])) $_POST['date']= '';
if(!isset($_POST['title'])) $_POST['title']= $_GET['title'];
if(!isset($_POST['ticket'])) $_POST['ticket']= '';
if(!isset($_POST['techid'])) $_POST['techid']= $_GET['techid'];
if(!isset($_POST['userid'])) $_POST['userid']= '';
if(!isset($_POST['category'])) $_POST['category']= $_GET['category'];
if(!isset($_POST['subcat'])) $_POST['subcat']= $_GET['subcat'];
if(!isset($_POST['fstate'])) $_POST['fstate']= $_GET['state'];
if(!isset($_POST['priority'])) $_POST['priority']=$_GET['priority'];
if(!isset($_POST['criticality'])) $_POST['criticality']=$_GET['criticality']; 

// PhV : Init technician
if(!isset($_POST['technician'])) $_POST['technician']= '%';

// default values
if ($techread=='') $techread='%';
if ($state=='')$state='%';
if($_GET['category']=='') $_GET['category']= '%'; 

if($_GET['subcat']=='') $_GET['subcat']= '%';
if($_GET['cursor']=='') $_GET['cursor']='0'; 
if($_GET['techread']=='') $_GET['techread']='%'; 
if($_POST['criticality']=='') $_POST['criticality']= '%'; 
if($_POST['priority']=='') $_POST['priority']='%';
if($_POST['fstate']=='') $_POST['fstate']= '%'; 
if ($_GET['way']=='') $_GET['way']='ASC';
	if ($_GET['date_create']=='current') 
		$_POST['date']=date("Y-m-d") ;
	} else {
		$_POST['date']= '%'; 
if($_POST['title']=='') $_POST['title']= '%'; 
if($_POST['ticket']=='') $_POST['ticket']= '%'; 
if($_POST['techid']=='') $_POST['techid']= '%'; 
if($_POST['userid']=='') $_POST['userid']= '%'; 
if($_POST['category']=='') $_POST['category']= '%'; 
if($_POST['subcat']=='') $_POST['subcat']= '%'; 

if ($_GET['techid']=='')$_GET['techid']="$_SESSION[user_id]";

// select auto order 
if ($filter=='on' || ($_GET['state']=='%' && $_GET['order']=='')){$_GET['order']='tstates.number, tincidents.priority, tincidents.criticality';}
elseif ($_GET['order']=='') $_GET['order']='priority';

		//conversion username to userid for filter line
		if ($_POST['userid']!='%')
			$query=mysql_query("SELECT id FROM tusers WHERE firstname LIKE '%$_POST[userid]%' or lastname LIKE '%$_POST[userid]%' LIMIT 1"); 
		//Date conversion for filter line
		if ($_POST['date']!='%')
			$find= strpos($date, $find);
			if ($find!=false)
		if ($keywords!='')
			include "./searchengine.php";
		} else {
			// PhV : remplacement de la variable 'techid' par 'technician' dans la requete SQL
			FROM tincidents, tstates
			tincidents.state=tstates.id  AND
			(tincidents.$profile LIKE '$_POST[technician]' OR tincidents.technician LIKE '$_POST[technician]')
			AND	tincidents.techread LIKE '$_GET[techread]'
			AND	tincidents.disable='0'
			AND	(tincidents.category LIKE '$_POST[category]')
			AND	tincidents.subcat LIKE '$_POST[subcat]'
			AND	tincidents.id LIKE '$_POST[ticket]'
			AND	tincidents.user LIKE '$_POST[userid]'
			AND	tincidents.date_create LIKE '$_POST[date]'
			AND	tincidents.state LIKE '$_POST[fstate]'
			AND	tincidents.priority LIKE '$_POST[priority]'
			AND	tincidents.criticality LIKE '$_POST[criticality]'
			AND	tincidents.title LIKE '%$_POST[title]%'
		$mastercount = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) $from"); 
		$masterquery = mysql_query("
		SELECT DISTINCT tincidents.* 
		ORDER BY $_GET[order] $_GET[way]
		LIMIT $_GET[cursor],
		if ($rparameters['debug']==1)
			echo "
			SELECT DISTINCT tincidents.*<br />
			$from<br />
			ORDER BY $_GET[order] $_GET[way]<br />
			LIMIT $_GET[cursor],
			$rparameters[maxline]<br />
<div class="post">
<?php if ($keywords) echo "Recherche: $keywords "; else  echo "Liste des tickets";?> 
<span class="description">Nombre: <?php echo $resultcount[0] ?></span>
	<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" >
		//*********************** FIRST LIGN *********************** 
		if($_GET['way']=='ASC') $arrow_way='DESC'; else $arrow_way='ASC';
		echo "<tr class=\"list\">
			<th scope=\"col\""; if ($_GET['order']=='id') echo 'class="active"'; echo ">
				<a title=\"Numéro du ticket\" class=\"th\" href=\"$url&order=id&way=$arrow_way\">
				//Display way arrows
				if ($_GET['order']=='id'){
					if ($_GET['way']=='ASC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/up.png" />';}
					if ($_GET['way']=='DESC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/down.png" />';}
				echo "
			// do not diplay TECH column if technician is connected
			if ($_SESSION['profile_id']!=0 || $_SESSION['profile_id']!=4 || $_GET['techid']=='%')
			echo "
			<th scope=\"col\" ";  if ($_GET['order']=='technician') echo 'class="active"'; echo ">
				<a title=\"Technicien en charge du ticket\" class=\"th\" href=\"$url&order=technician&way=$arrow_way\">
				//Display arrows
				if ($_GET['order']=='technician'){
					if ($_GET['way']=='ASC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/up.png" />';}
					if ($_GET['way']=='DESC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/down.png" />';}
			if ($_SESSION['profile_id']==0 || $_SESSION['profile_id']==3 || $_SESSION['profile_id']==4) {
			echo "
			<th scope=\"col\""; if ($_GET['order']=='user') echo 'class="active"'; echo ">
				<a title=\"Demandeur\" class=\"th\" href=\"$url&order=user&way=$arrow_way\">
				//Display arrows
				if ($_GET['order']=='user'){
					if ($_GET['way']=='ASC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/up.png" />';}
					if ($_GET['way']=='DESC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/down.png" />';}

			<th scope="col" <?php if ($_GET['order']=='category') echo 'class="active"'; ?> >
				<a title="Catégorie" class="th" href="<?php echo $url; ?>&order=category&way=<?php echo $arrow_way; ?>">
				//Display arrows
				if ($_GET['order']=='category'){
					if ($_GET['way']=='ASC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/up.png" />';}
					if ($_GET['way']=='DESC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/down.png" />';}
			<th scope="col" <?php if ($_GET['order']=='subcat') echo 'class="active"'; ?> >
				<a title="Sous-Catégorie" class="th" href="<?php echo $url; ?>&order=subcat&way=<?php echo $arrow_way; ?>">
				//Display arrows
				if ($_GET['order']=='subcat'){
					if ($_GET['way']=='ASC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/up.png" />';}
					if ($_GET['way']=='DESC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/down.png" />';}
			<th scope="col" <?php if ($_GET['order']=='description') echo 'class="active"'; ?> >
				<a title="Titre de la demande" class="th" href="<?php echo $url; ?>&order=description&way=<?php echo $arrow_way; ?>">
				//Display arrows
				if ($_GET['order']=='description'){
					if ($_GET['way']=='ASC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/up.png" />';}
					if ($_GET['way']=='DESC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/down.png" />';}
			<th scope="col" <?php if ($_GET['order']=='date_create') echo 'class="active"'; ?> >
				<a title="Date de création la demande" class="th" href="<?php echo $url; ?>&order=date_create&way=<?php echo $arrow_way; ?>">
				//Display arrows
				if ($_GET['order']=='date_create'){
					if ($_GET['way']=='ASC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/up.png" />';}
					if ($_GET['way']=='DESC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/down.png" />';}
			<th scope="col" <?php if ($_GET['order']=='state') echo 'class="active"'; ?> >
				<a title="État" class="th" href="<?php echo $url; ?>&order=state&way=<?php echo $arrow_way; ?>">
				//Display arrows
				if ($_GET['order']=='state'){
					if ($_GET['way']=='ASC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/up.png" />';}
					if ($_GET['way']=='DESC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/down.png" />';}
			<th scope="col" <?php if ($_GET['order']=='priority') echo 'class="active"'; ?> >
				<a title="Priorité 0=Urgent et 5=Très basse" class="th" href="<?php echo $url; ?>&order=priority&way=<?php echo $arrow_way; ?>">
				//Display arrows
				if ($_GET['order']=='priority'){
					if ($_GET['way']=='ASC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/up.png" />';}
					if ($_GET['way']=='DESC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/down.png" />';}
			<th scope="col" <?php if ($_GET['order']=='criticality') echo 'class="active"'; ?> >
				<a title="Criticité" class="th" href="<?php echo $url; ?>&order=criticality&way=<?php echo $arrow_way; ?>">
				//Display arrows
				if ($_GET['order']=='criticality'){
					if ($_GET['way']=='ASC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/up.png" />';}
					if ($_GET['way']=='DESC') {echo ' <img style="border-style: none" alt="img" src="./images/down.png" />';}
		<?php // *********************************** FILTER LIGN ************************************** ?>
		<form name="filter" method="post">
			<tr class="green">
					<input name="ticket"  onchange="submit();" type="text" size="6" value="<?php if ($_POST['ticket']!='%')echo $_POST['ticket']; ?>" />
					//Display tech column if all demands view is selected
					if ($_SESSION['profile_id']!=0 || $_SESSION['profile_id']!=4 || $_GET['techid']=='%')
						echo '
							<select name="technician" onchange="submit()" style="width:69px">
								<option value="%"> </option>';
								$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tusers WHERE profile='0' and disable='0'");
								while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($query)) 
									// PhV : Utilisation If..Else pour eviter doublon dans la liste
									//       Présentation du technicien sous forme 1ere lettre prénom + Nom
									$Ftname=substr($row['firstname'], 0, 1);
									if ($_POST['technician']==$row['id']) {
										echo "<option selected value=\"$row[id]\">$Ftname. $row[lastname]</option>";
									} else {
										echo "<option value=\"$row[id]\">$Ftname. $row[lastname]</option>";
							echo "
					if ($_SESSION['profile_id']==0 || $_SESSION['profile_id']==3 || $_SESSION['profile_id']==4) {
						echo "
							//find username 
							if ($filter=="on") {
							$query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tusers WHERE id LIKE '$_POST[userid]'"); 
							} echo '
					<input name="userid"  onchange="submit();" type="text" size="11\" value="'; if ($filter=="on" && $_POST['userid']!='%') {echo $row['lastname'];} echo '" />
					<select name="category" onchange="submit()" style="width:83px">
						<option value="%"></option>
						$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tcategory ORDER BY name");
						while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($query)) 
							// PhV : Utilisation If..Else pour eviter doublon dans la liste
							if ($_POST['category']==$row['id']) {
								echo "<option selected value=\"$row[id]\">$row[name]</option>";
							} else {
								echo "<option value=\"$row[id]\">$row[name]</option>";
					<select name="subcat" onchange="submit()" style="width:80px">
						<option value="%"></option>
						{$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tsubcat WHERE cat LIKE $_POST[category] ORDER BY name");}
						{$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tsubcat ORDER BY name");}
						while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($query))
							echo "<option value=\"$row[id]\">$row[name]</option>";
							if ($_POST['subcat']==$row['id']) echo "<option selected value=\"$row[id]\">$row[name]</option>";
					<input name="title" onchange="submit();" type="text"  value="<?php if ($_POST['title']!='%')echo $_POST['title']; ?>" />
					<input name="date" onchange="submit();" type="text"  size="8" value="<?php if ($_POST['date']!='%')echo $_POST['date']; ?>" />
					<select name="fstate" onchange="submit()" style="width:22px" >	
						<option value=""></option>
						$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tstates ORDER BY name");
						while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($query))  {echo "<option value=\"$row[id]\">$row[name]</option>";} 
					<select id="priority" name="priority" onchange="submit()" style="width:23px">
						<option value=""></option>
						$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tpriority ORDER BY number");
						while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($query)){echo "<option value=\"$row[number]\">$row[name]</option>";} 
					<select id="criticality" name="criticality" onchange="submit()" style="width:23px" >
						<option value=""></option>
						$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tcriticality ORDER BY number");
						while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($query))
						echo "<option value=\"$row[id]\">$row[name]</option>";
			<input name="state" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $_GET['state']; ?>" />
			<input name="filter" type="hidden" value="on" />
		while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($masterquery))
			//Select name of states
			$querystate=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tstates WHERE id LIKE $row[state]"); 
			//Select name of priority
			$querypriority=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tpriority WHERE number LIKE $row[priority]"); 
			//Select name of criticality
			$querycriticality=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tcriticality WHERE id LIKE $row[criticality]"); 
			//Select name of user
			$queryuser=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tusers WHERE id LIKE '$row[user]'"); 
			//Select name of technician
			$querytech=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tusers WHERE id LIKE '$row[technician]'"); 
			//Select name of category
			$querycat=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tcategory WHERE id LIKE '$row[category]'"); 
			//Select name of subcategory
			$queryscat=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tsubcat WHERE id LIKE '$row[subcat]'"); 
			//cut first letter of firstame
			$Fname=substr($resultuser['firstname'], 0, 1);
			$Ftname=substr($resulttech['firstname'], 0, 1);
			$rowdate= date_cnv($row['date_create']);
			//date hope
			if(!isset($row['date_hope'])) $row['date_hope']= ''; 
			$querydiff=mysql_query("SELECT DATEDIFF(NOW(), '$date_hope') "); 
			if ($resultdiff[0]>0 && ($row['state']=='1'|| $row['state']=='2')) $img = "<img align=\"left\" border=\"0\" title=\"$resultdiff[0] jours de retard\" src=\"./images/clock.png\" />";
			// Display line color
				//query 30 days
				$query15=mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM `tincidents` WHERE TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(date_create) >= $rparameters[lign_yellow] and TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(date_create) <= 45 and (state LIKE '2' or state LIKE '1') and date_create LIKE '$row[date_create]'"); 
				if ($result15[0]!=0 && ($row['state'] == '1' || $row['state'] == '2')) $bgcolor="yellow";
				//query 45 days and more
				$query15=mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM `tincidents` WHERE TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(date_create) > $rparameters[lign_orange] and (state LIKE '2' or state LIKE '1') and date_create LIKE '$row[date_create]'"); 
				if ($result15[0]!=0 && ($row['state'] == '1' || $row['state'] == '2')) $bgcolor="orange";
				//query date is today display green
				if (date('Y-m-d')==$row['date_create']) $bgcolor="green";
				//if techncian unread
				if ($row['techread']==0) $bgcolor="red";
				// default bg color
				if ($bgcolor=="") $bgcolor="blue";
			//if text is too long cut
			//attach file
			if(!isset($row['img1'])) $row['img1']= ''; 
			if($row['img1']!='') $attach= "<img border=\"0\" title=\"$row[img1]\" src=\"./images/attach_min.png\"/>";
			if ($profile=='technician') {$pageticket='ticket';} else {$pageticket='ticket_u';}
			echo "
			<tr class=\"$bgcolor\" onclick=\"document.location='./index.php?page=$pageticket&id=$row[id]&state=$_GET[state]&techid=$_GET[techid]'\">
			  <td style=\"width:30px;\"><center><a class=\"td\" href=\"./index.php?page=$pageticket&id=$row[id]\">$img $row[id]</a></center></td>
			 if ($_SESSION['profile_id']!=0 || $_SESSION['profile_id']!=4 || $_GET['techid']=='%') 
				echo "<td ><center><a class=\"td\" href=\"./index.php?page=$pageticket&id=$row[id]&state=$_GET[state]&techid=$_GET[techid]\">$Ftname. $resulttech[lastname] </a></center></td>";
			 if ($_SESSION['profile_id']==0 ||  $_SESSION['profile_id']==4 ||$_SESSION['profile_id']==3 ) 
				echo "<td><a class=\"td\" title=\"Tel: $resultuser[phone] \" href=\"./index.php?page=$pageticket&id=$row[id]&state=$_GET[state]&techid=$_GET[techid]\">$Fname. $uname </a></td>";
			 echo "
			  <td ><a class=\"td\" href=\"./index.php?page=$pageticket&id=$row[id]&state=$_GET[state]&techid=$_GET[techid]\">$resultcat[name]</a></td>
			  <td ><a class=\"td\" href=\"./index.php?page=$pageticket&id=$row[id]&state=$_GET[state]&techid=$_GET[techid]\">$resultscat[name]</a></td>
			  <td><a class=\"td\" title=\"$row[title] \" href=\"./index.php?page=$pageticket&id=$row[id]&state=$_GET[state]&techid=$_GET[techid]\">$title $attach</a></td>
			  <td ><a class=\"td\" href=\"./index.php?page=$pageticket&id=$row[id]&state=$_GET[state]&techid=$_GET[techid]\">$rowdate</a></td>
			  <td ><a class=\"td\" href=\"./index.php?page=$pageticket&id=$row[id]&state=$_GET[state]&techid=$_GET[techid]\"> <center><img style=\"border-style: none\" alt=\"state\" title=\"$resultstate[description]\" src=\"./images/$resultstate[id].png\" /></center> </a></td>
			  <td><center><a title=\"$resultpriority[name]\" class=\"td\" href=\"./index.php?page=$pageticket&id=$row[id]&state=$_GET[state]&techid=$_GET[techid]\" >$row[priority]</a></center></td>
			  <td><a title=\"$resultcriticality[name]\" class=\"td\" href=\"./index.php?page=$pageticket&id=$row[id]&state=$_GET[state]&techid=$_GET[techid]\" > <center><img style=\"border-style: none\" alt=\"$resultcriticality[name]\" src=\"./images/critical_$resultcriticality[color].png\" /></a></center></td>
	//Multi-pages link
	if  ($resultcount[0]>$rparameters['maxline'])
		//count number of page
		echo "<center>";
		for ($i = 1; $i <= $pagenum; $i++) {
			if ($i==1) $_GET['cursor']=0;
			{echo "<span class=\"pagination\"> <a href=\"$url&order=$_GET[order]&way=$_GET[way]&cursor=$_GET[cursor]\">&nbsp;$i&nbsp;</a></span> ";}
			{echo "<span class=\"pagination\"><a href=\"$url&order=$_GET[order]&way=$_GET[way]&cursor=$_GET[cursor]\">&nbsp;$i&nbsp;</a></span> ";}
		echo "</center>";
// Date conversion
function date_cnv ($date) 
{return substr($date,8,2) . "/" . substr($date,5,2) . "/" . substr($date,0,4);}

// Display events popup
if(!isset($displayevent)) $displayevent= ''; 
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tevents` WHERE technician LIKE '$uid' and disable='0' and type='1'"); 
while ($event=mysql_fetch_array($q))
	$devent=explode(" ",$event['date_start']);
	//day check
	if ($devent[0]<=$daydate) 
		//hour check
		$eventhour=explode(" ",$event['date_start']);
		if ($currenthour>$eventhour[1])
			$displayevent= "<a title=\"Planifié aujourd'hui à $devent[1]\" href=\"./index.php?page=ticket&id=$event[incident]\"><img  src=\"./images/event.png\" /> <font color=\"FFFFFF\">Rappel ticket: $event[incident]</font></a>";
			echo "
			<script type=\"text/javascript\"> 
				$().ready(function() { 

						return false; 
			<div class=\"jqmWindow\" id=\"dialog\"> 
			include "./event.php"; 
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tusers` WHERE id LIKE '$uid'");

// Popup to display message to change user password.
if ($r['chgpwd']=='1')
		echo "
		<script type=\"text/javascript\"> 
			$().ready(function() { 

					return false; 
		<div class=\"jqmWindow\" id=\"dialog\"> 
		include "./modify_pwd.php"; 

// Play notify sound for tech and admin
if ($rparameters['notify']==1 && ($_SESSION['profile_id']==4 || $_SESSION['profile_id']==0))
	$query=mysql_query("SELECT id FROM `tincidents` WHERE technician='0' and techread='0' and disable='0' and notify='0'");
	if ($row[0]!=0) {
		echo'<audio hidden="false" autoplay="true" src="./sounds/notify.ogg" controls="controls"></audio>';
		$query = "UPDATE tincidents SET notify='1' WHERE id='$row[0]'";
		$exec = mysql_query($query) or die('Erreur SQL !<br /><br />'.mysql_error());
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Enregistré le : jeu. 21 juin 2012 19:00


pour vos corrections elles seront intégré dans la version 2.9.

GestSup: 3.2.47 | Debian: 12 | Apache: 2.4.58 | MariaDB: 11.3.2 | PHP: 8.3.6 | https://doc.gestsup.fr/